Does this sound familiar?
- You feel mostly fulfilled in your life, but there’s a certain area that you just can’t seem to shift, no matter how hard you try.
- You know it’s time to make a BIG shift in your career, love life, or well-being, but it’s been hard to take action.
You’re highly intuitive and aware, yet you have trouble acting on your intuitive hunches.
You’re a highly conscious, growth-minded person who has been evolving in quantum leaps, but you’re just not sure where to go next.
- You’re all heart and a genius at solving other people’s problems, but tend to get stuck in your head when it comes to your own.
You have so much love and patience for others in your life, but have to admit that you can be hard on yourself (and quite demanding at times).
You’ve been on a healing journey for a while and would like some support in getting across the “finish line.”
- Your life looks good on paper and you’re confused (and a little sad, if you’re being honest) that it still feels like something’s missing.
- You’ve been engaging in spiritual practices like meditation and affirmations, but can’t seem to exist in a state of calm and ease for an extended period of time.
- You grew up feeling restricted and limited, and you no longer have the tolerance to play by someone else’s rules.
- You know you have limiting beliefs that sabotage your momentum, but you just can’t quite shake them.
- You know you’re an evolved soul and are ready to activate your soul gifts and purpose.
Who Are You, Really?
You know you aren’t simply the person staring back at you in the mirror. You are so much more than your body or even your mind. You are pure consciousness.
And by design, you are meant to continually expand.
Thing is, you were born into a world with certain standards, norms and even rules. Without even consciously realizing it, you’ve been trying to fulfill a certain set of expectations that aren’t your own. By trying to satisfy someone else’s demands — which almost always results in placing fear-based parameters on your success and well-being — you’re going against your true nature. And lo and behold, you’re “stuck” in what I call a Little Box Limit. No wonder you feel resistance!
The concept of a Little Box Limit is inspired by the idea of “little boxes on the hillside” from the theme song of the TV show Weeds. You are not a little box, you are an open container! You are not like anyone else, and you have your own unique mission in life. You are not meant to be a cookie-cutter home. You are a tough-cookie soul — and your journey is anything but cookie-cutter!
In order to live the expansive life you know you’re meant for, you need to be able to let go of what you are not and stand strong in your soul energy. The work is in understanding and intuiting your own energies, how to bring in fresh, supportive energy, and how to live a life in constant communication with your soul. By embodying the energy of your soul, you embody the limitless nature of who you really are.
Your soul essence is intangible, unquantifiable, undefinable, unlimited. Using color, the Rainbow Soul Method helps you qualify your soul essence so that you can FEEL it on a deeper level. Color is energy. It’s something that is deeply experiential. And feeling and expressing our truth is what we’re here for.
As you flow through life connected to your essence, you will have the capacity to bring in all of the colors of the rainbow. You are here for the full rainbow, not just bits and parts of it. You are here for YOUR never-ending journey toward limitless expansion.
Trust Me, I’ve Been There…
For years, I lived in fear. The weird thing was, my life was good, or at least it seemed that way on paper. I had a highly coveted job in the magazine industry, was married to an amazing man, and lived in a beautiful, light-filled apartment in Manhattan.
But the truth was this: I spent so much of my energy playing things safe. I stayed in said job for a decade, even when I clearly knew it was time to move on. I tolerated my anxiety, which was always there, hovering like a dark cloud. I lived within the confines of what was expected of me, by my family, my community, and even the “me” I thought I was.
Until I no longer could. When I could no longer tolerate my “good on paper” life anymore, I entered a two-year period of deep, dark soul searching. Nothing felt right anymore. I questioned everything in my life and realized that I needed to make major changes, but I didn’t know what these were or how to get started. My life felt like a big ball of darkness. It felt like I might never be released from its hold.
Slowly, through an arduous process of searching and sifting, and eventually finding the tools and resources to support me, I found light in the dark. I began to piece together my life and reconnect with my deepest soul essence. The real me.
I know what it feels like to feel hopeless, like the horizon in front of you is so foggy, you might as well stop trying to find it altogether. I now know that the darkness can be a magical, mystical place, a catalyst for deeply connecting with who you really are.
If you’re afraid, I see you. Your fear and resistance doesn’t scare me. Actually, it excites me. Because I know what’s waiting for you. It’s been there all along, and now you get to reclaim it and step into your fullest, most powerful self. Life is about to get a whole lot wilder and more magical than you can even imagine!
That’s why I created
The Rainbow Soul Method
A 3-month container for deep soul
integration + energetic mastery
Connect With Your Shiny, Megawatt Soul Essence
Uncover your deepest, juiciest soul desires, biggest gifts and challenges to overcome so that you can finally feel healed and whole — and live a life of meaning, joy, and connection powerfully guided by your heart, instead of haphazardly directed by your head.
Ground Into Your Truest, Most Authentic Self
Transform perceived energetic “blocks” into gold, balance your nervous system, learn how to work with your unique energy, and release fear consciousness so that you can step into all the love and abundance that you are and unquestionably deserve in your life.
Amplify Your Intuitive
Explore and refine your highly individualized intuitive processes and deeply connect with unseen forces so that you can seamlessly replace self-doubt and uncertainty with inner knowing and trust — and live a life in conversation with your Higher Self and spirit guides.
Open the Floodgates to Your Limitless Nature
Gain an experiential understanding of how to consciously lead from a powerful place of love so that your life feels inspired (as opposed to a series of “shoulds”), miraculously in flow, and primed to receive the limitless possibility that is your birthright
A Look Inside the Modules
I. Welcome + Come to Heart
Let’s explore where you’re at now — and where you want to be. This introductory module is all about gently opening your heart, allowing your soul to step forward and setting your soul-led intentions.
II. Energy and Energetics — the Basics and Beyond
Whether you have a pretty robust understanding of how energy works or are in need of a refresher, we’re breaking it all down here. It’s amazing how something “old” or known, said a new way, can lead to the most powerful aha moment. You’ll also learn how energy and color are connected — and how color can help guide you on an energetic level.
III. Your Guide to the Rainbow
Dive deep into your “soul colors” (i.e., those energies that your soul most wants to express in this lifetime), your “persona colors” (those energies you’ve picked up from your family or society that are meant to support your purpose) and the rest of the colors of the rainbow, which are symbolic of different energy profiles. Having an understanding of the energies you’re exuding is the first step toward embodying your soul essence and what you are here to actualize. Not only will this information help you understand your deeper soul purpose, it eases you into leading with your soul/heart, as opposed to your head/fear.
IV. Energetic Alignment 2.0
Targeted practices and techniques help you embrace and embody your soul colors and get into the deepest touch with who you really are. When you feel in alignment with your soul colors, move onto your persona colors, and then any other colors you’d like to develop. Plus, learn proven techniques for nervous system regulation — which are beneficial for every energy profile.
V. Release the “I’m Blocked” Mentality For Good
Let’s rethink energetic “blocks” — and illuminate how your limiting beliefs and resistance can actually help you tap deeper into your soul energy and discover your soul-led desires and dreams. Venture into the quantum field to deeply release fear consciousness and more fully align with the love that you are.
VI. Supercharge Your Intuition
Gain a deeper understanding of intuition in general, as well as your specific intuitive gifts. Learn how to transform your intuitive (sometimes indistinguishable) intuitive whispers into a loud, clear voice, so that you can replace self-doubt with KNOWING and trust. This process helps you get crystal clear on the difference between your head and heart.
VII. Everything You Need to Know About Connecting With Higher Consciousness
Whether you think of Higher Consciousness as your Higher self, spirit guides, departed loved ones or the Universe in general (or anything else), you’ll discover your own process for connecting to Source energy and consciously receiving insights, information, and healing for yourself and others “on demand.” We all have the capacity to be a medium, and I can’t wait to show you what you’re capable of!
VIII. Becoming the Receiver You Know You Are
Manifestation, flow, surrender, asking and more: Get even clearer on your immediate and big-picture desires and how to become a magnet to them.
IX. Using Color to Read Energy
Take things to the next level by learning how to intuitively read energy using color. I’m not holding back here (or anywhere else)!
X. Expanding Into the Rainbow
Now that you’re grounded into your soul colors, it’s time to expand your rainbow so that you feel limitless and unstoppable!
What’s included
Biweekly 1:1 calls, including a comprehensive assessment of your energetic profile (soul colors and persona colors) at the start of the program, trance mediumship sessions, intuitive coaching, and more (a total of 6 hour-long sessions)
Access to 10 in-depth modules, including transformative video lessons as well as powerful guided processes, meditations, journal exercises, and more
A complete toolkit for embodying your soul energies, creating a rock-solid foundation for continual energetic expansion and intuitive development
Resources and coaching to explore and expand your intuitive and mediumistic faculties and gifts
Unlimited email support throughout our time together
What this means
- You’ll get crystal clear on who you are at your core (spoiler alert: you are beyond awesome!), with a deep understanding of your soul-driven desires and how you can supercharge your life with meaning and fulfillment.
You’ll have the tools and know-how to shift from fear consciousness into love consciousness, allowing you to feel calm and safe in your body so your heart and soul can effortlessly and confidently lead the way.
You’ll multiply your self-love by infinity, building compassion and acceptance for yourself and others, so you can move forward in your life with more peace and ease in your relationship to yourself and others.
You’ll KNOW that you’re deeply connected to your intuition, with a renewed sense of self-trust and trust in the Universe/spirit/Source, so that you can navigate the “darkness” with a heightened sense of excitement and adventure.
You’ll feel like you’ve just hit “reboot” on your life as you return to your true nature, which lovingly disregards whatever doesn’t feel true to you.
You’ll step into being the conscious, intuitive creator of your heart-led life that you were born to be, leaving old habits of self-sabotage and limiting mind programs from childhood behind.
Are you ready to step into the majesty of
Your Soul And Co-Create
Rainbow Magic Together?
Click here to book your free 20-minute Soul Call.